Hamlet: Hamlet’s Sanity

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Hamlet: Hamlet’s Sanity

“Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do

their bounds divide.” Though John Dryden’s quote was not made in regard to

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it relates very well to the argument of

whether or not Hamlet went insane. When a character such as Hamlet is under

scrutiny, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what state he is in at

particular moments in the play. Nonetheless, Hamlet merely pretends to be

insane so that he can calculate his moves according to the situation at


hamlet and horatio's skull

hamlet and poor horatio's skull

There are many situations throughout the play that are enough to

bring Hamlet to insanity. Take, for example, Act IV, scene II, after

Polonius‘s death. Hamlet’s day has been hectic; he finally determines that

Claudius has killed his father. The chance to kill Claudius confronts him,

and he comes very close to convincing Gertrude that Claudius killed his

father. Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius and finally, the ghost of his

father visits him. Though at this point these situations create plenty of

reasons for Hamlet to be insane, he remains sharp and credible. “[Hamlet]

concocts this state of madness…his intellect remains clear, his discourse

sound and comprehensive,” (Harris, p. 129).

Hamlet reveals to his friends and his mother of his plans to

pretend act insane. He tells Horatio that he is going to “feign madness,”

and that if Horatio notices any strange behavior from Hamlet, it is because

he is putting on an act. (I, v). Hamlet also tells his mother that he is

not mad, “but mad in craft.” (III, iv). In addition to his confessions,

Hamlet’s madness only manifests itself when he is in the presence of

certain characters. When Hamlet is around Polonius, Claudius, Gertrude,

Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, he behaves irrationally. When Hamlet

is around Horatio, Bernardo, Francisco, The Players and the Gravediggers,

he behaves rationally (Bevington, p. 59).

Some of the characters themselves come to realize that Hamlet is

not mad. Claudius confesses that Hamlet‘s “actions although strange, do not

appear to stem from madness.” (III, i). In addition, Polonius admits that

Hamlet’s actions and words have a “method” to them; there appears to be a

reason behind them, they are logical in nature. (II, ii).

Hamlet is also able to make smart remarks to Rosencrantz and

Guildenstern, comparing them to sponges. “When he (Claudius) needs what you

have gleaned, it is but squeezing you and, sponge, you shall be dry again,”

(     ). This is random and unexpected, as many of his actions, but the

comparison makes sense; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern soak up all the kings

favors, only to become dry again after they mop up the King’s “mess,” which

was spying on Hamlet, and getting Polonius’s body. Later, with Claudius,

Hamlet tells how lowly a king can be by saying, “A man (beggar) may fish

with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of

that worm,” (    ). This also makes sense, and is not quite as random; when

Hamlet confronts Claudius, and the king asks where Polonius is, Hamlet

immediately begins the comparison by telling Claudius that Polonuis is at

supper. This proves that Hamlet had some kind of planning for this

degrading comment, and that his thoughts are not scattered and he is able

to stay focused.

Hamlet believes in his sanity at all times. He never doubts his

control over psyche. There is a question, though, of what being insane

really is. Is Hamlet really mad? If so, what causes Hamlet’s madness? Is it

his reluctance to take revenge? Is it his confused feelings about his

mother? Is he in fact sane and the world mad for failing to understand the

things he says? Is he sometimes pretending to be mad and at other times

genuinely unbalanced? All of these question still remain unanswered, yet it

can be inferred from the text of Hamlet that there was a method to Hamlet’s


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“Hamlet: Hamlet’s Sanity.” 123HelpMe.com. 10 Apr 2010

ten reasons why going back to school sucks by Kill Jill Goes To College.

This one’s from Kill Jill Goes To College:

here and ten reasons why going back to school sucks.

  1. Alarm clocks are the devil. Aren’t these things the worst?! Always waking you up during fantastic dreams and letting you know that you have to get up and, y’know, be not sleeping?! Ugh. Alarm clocks are horrible.
  2. The lack of free time. How dare school interrupt your social stuff?How dare it?! Stupid school stuff. I once read that you will learn more outside of class during college than in the classroom. (OK. Didn’t really read this. But I’m sure someone significant said it at one point in time. Probably.)
  3. Dealing with professors. Ugh, look at them in their silly tweed jacket. Who do they think they are anyway?! And who told them they were allowed to pick on you during class, especially when you have no clue what the answer was. Or even what the question was. Because you weren’t actually listening… Ugh. The nerve of those people!
  4. Dealing with classmates. Sure, you like some of them. Of course. But then there are also the ones who drive you nuts. Like What’s-His-Name in your Whatever 101 class. That guy is a certified idiot and a total d-bag. And how did he end up in more than one of your classes anyway? He’s likely stalking you. Oh, God. And what about What’s-Her-Name? Ugh, she’s horrible, isn’t she? Why do we, as a human race, have to deal with these people anyway? It’s. Not. Fair!
  5. Studying. It is almost 2010, for pete sake. There should be a Smart Pill*** or something by now, shouldn’t there?! A pill that you take before class so you retain everything the professor says during lectures and everything you read. Studying takes up way too much time- time that would be much better spent… I don’t know… watching CSI: Miami or playing World of Warcraft. Obviously.

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