ten reasons why going back to school sucks by Kill Jill Goes To College.

This one’s from Kill Jill Goes To College:

here and ten reasons why going back to school sucks.

  1. Alarm clocks are the devil. Aren’t these things the worst?! Always waking you up during fantastic dreams and letting you know that you have to get up and, y’know, be not sleeping?! Ugh. Alarm clocks are horrible.
  2. The lack of free time. How dare school interrupt your social stuff?How dare it?! Stupid school stuff. I once read that you will learn more outside of class during college than in the classroom. (OK. Didn’t really read this. But I’m sure someone significant said it at one point in time. Probably.)
  3. Dealing with professors. Ugh, look at them in their silly tweed jacket. Who do they think they are anyway?! And who told them they were allowed to pick on you during class, especially when you have no clue what the answer was. Or even what the question was. Because you weren’t actually listening… Ugh. The nerve of those people!
  4. Dealing with classmates. Sure, you like some of them. Of course. But then there are also the ones who drive you nuts. Like What’s-His-Name in your Whatever 101 class. That guy is a certified idiot and a total d-bag. And how did he end up in more than one of your classes anyway? He’s likely stalking you. Oh, God. And what about What’s-Her-Name? Ugh, she’s horrible, isn’t she? Why do we, as a human race, have to deal with these people anyway? It’s. Not. Fair!
  5. Studying. It is almost 2010, for pete sake. There should be a Smart Pill*** or something by now, shouldn’t there?! A pill that you take before class so you retain everything the professor says during lectures and everything you read. Studying takes up way too much time- time that would be much better spent… I don’t know… watching CSI: Miami or playing World of Warcraft. Obviously.

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